Do you want to know that after how many days of ACL surgery, you can start walking normally? If yes, then watch this video from the beginning till the end. And you will get answers to all your questions. Greetings friends!! In this video, we will tell you that after how many days of ACL surgery, you can start walking normally. Friends, ACL is a very successful surgery. For most of the patients, the results are 100% after the surgery. Especially when bio screw endo button surgery is done, the results are terrific and the patient starts walking normally in a very short time. But, before the operation, the patient wants to know. He asks us that in how many days, I will be able to walk normally? For this, I want to give you a basic idea.
Normally, we advise patients to walk with a walker for the first 15 days and there is a knee brace on his legs which needs to be put for 6 weeks. When you walk with a walker for 15 days, and then leave walker gradually. Initially, your confidence level is low in walking without a walker. When you leave the walker suddenly, you feel a little nervous. It takes around 20-21 days for walking without a walker confidently. The knee k without the knee brace after 45-50 days. After 45 days, when you start walking without a knee brace, your walk is definitely not normal. But within 15 days, that is after 2 months you start walking normally to a large extent. Friends, if your Meniscus has been repaired, in Meniscus repair, we have to take care that you cannot put complete pressure while walking for 6 weeks. So, if your Meniscus is repaired or you have got multiple ligament surgery then your recovery might take some extra time.
Many people call me that even after 2 months, when I walk, I feel like limp . Friends, this can happen. Some people might take longer time to recover. The reason is that everyone’s muscle recovery is not same. For example – Fever. If one has fever, he may recover in 2 days, someone else might take 5 days. Everybody has a unique body type, everybody had different kind of muscles. Some things are not in our control. The type of muscles of your body are not in our control. They are what they are. How to improve that is in our control. I will tell you what care is taken in Advance Hospital for this. Why our patients recovery is quite fast. 1. We make them walk with a walker from the first day itself. From the beginning, we make it their habit to walk regularly. In many other places, they give the patient a very long rest period. Patients are frightened that they should not get up at all for 15-20 days which increases the anxiety. In the same way, you must have watched many other videos. Bio screw, being a very strong technology; we start knee bending from the very next day.

The benefits of starting knee bending and walking early are that the muscles of the patient – specially quadriceps muscles, hamstring muscles VMO muscles, Patellar tracking – all this gets normal quickly because of which a person can start walking normally within 1.5 to 2 months. Some people may take 10 – 15 more days. After around 2.5 months, we allow the patients to climb stairs. And in 3 months, they can easily climb up and down the stairs. Friends, there cannot be a fixed timing in this. This can be different for everyone depending upon the body type. So, when do you need to worry? Friends, if 3-4 months have passed after your surgery and if you feel awkward or unusual while walking, then you can consult your doctor and also change the timings of your exercise. It is possible that your difficulty in walking is due to exercise or muscle weakness. If you are not able to get help from doctors around you, then you can join our WhatsApp ACL Health program where you can learn all kinds of exercise against a fees. Friends, I have told this many times in my videos that in ACL surgery, doctor’s role is of 30% and 70% role is of exercise. If you are doing good exercise then it can cover up any 5-7% misses happened during surgery. But, if you do not do exercise, even after 100% best surgery. If you keep telling your doctor that you have pain, swelling, that you cannot do it. Then your doctors won’t be able to help you, even if they want to. So, you have to be focussed in your exercise. I have seen recovery of my patients and have noticed that they are determined in terms of pain and swelling. Whatever their doctors tell them, they do the same, even more than that. They do exercise and strengthen their muscles. If your muscles are strong, any ups and downs in ACL can be covered up. So, my focus is that if you are not getting any help from your doctors regarding exercise, please join our WhatsApp ACL Health program.

If you are not able to do it on your own, please take help from a good physiotherapist.
And start exercising friends. If you do good exercise, then as per me, on an average a patient can start walking normally, to a large extent within 2 to 2.5 months. If there is multiple ligament injury, then it might take some more time. So friends, this video was about understanding after how many days of ACL, you can start walking normally
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