What to do if ACL ligament has a partial tear

When you have a knee injury you go for MRI to confirm the diagnosis. MRI report can show many things in the knee joint. Most common thing which create confusion…

Why your dr want you to take care of if you have cast on hand

Well , we all hate restrictions. Specially having some cast on hand and not able to do activities , it is very sad and annoying. I myself had plaster cast…

Are you having pain in elbow ( Tennis Elbow )?

Pain in elbow is common feature in athletes and homemaker females. it can happen in all age groups because of different reasons. Most common cause for elbow pain is Tennis…

How to choose best screw for ACL Surgery

When your doctor advised you to go for ACL surgery most common problem which a patient feels is how to choose screw or implant. Basically ACL reconstruction is done by…

What is ACL ligament injury

If you are reading this article , it means you or your near one may have ACL ligament injury. You wanted to know more about ACL injuries.I will try to…

what to do if you have shoulder dislocation again and again!!!!!!

Shoulder is one of the most important joint in our body. It is very mobile joint and because of this it is very prone to dislocation. Having multiple dislocation in…

How much calcium and Vitamin D is needed for me and why?

Calcium is important part of the body. It is essential for bone and joint function. It is a well known fact. But it is also needed for blood clotting and…