Why walking or running on road can harm your knee ?

Shweta is doing work from home. So she started watching exercises and yoga videos from youtube and started doing skipping and jumping at her flat. Soon she felt there is sharp pain in the knee joint.

Akshay loves fitness and he believe that stairs are always better than lift. His flat is on 10th floor and he uses stairs most of the time. Since last few months he is also having pain in both calf and knee joints.

knee pain
Running athlete feeling pain after having his knee injured

This is corona era. People are not going to gym or park for walk or run. So to burn those extra calories and loose weight they start running or walk on their roof or near by road. Soon they start complaining pain in front part of the knee joint. some time crackling sound from knee can also apprear?

So what does this mean? Why these so called good acitivities causes knee pain. Let me explain.

We need to understand that running or walking should be done on grass or treadmill only. Road or tiles or cemented roof are very hard and their hardness can hurt our knee cartilage which is very soft. Cartilage is a plater like cover over bone and it provides cushion like effect. It has very poor blood supply. So if there is any damage to knee cartilage recovery is very slow and takes long time, some time months.

Same goes when we play or do yoga on hard surface. Knee cartilage get hurt. So if you want to do exercise use soft mattress or grass surface. Badminton should be played on wooden surface only. There are many so called academies which use cement or tiles flooring and over it they apply a very thing rubber coating. I do not think it is sufficient.

Stairs are good but using excessive stairs can hurt. It can damage cartilage in knee cap and can cause pain on front side of the knee. So do not over do it. Avoid using stairs more than one time in day.

Use following things to preserve cartilage in knee joint.

Watch this video for more information.


  1. Avoid sitting on floor or use of Indian style toilet
  2. Do not use stairs multiple time’
  3. Roof or tiles or Road is not good for walk
  4. Do not do brisk walk on hard surface.
  5. Treadmill or grass is used for jogging.
  6. Take calcium and Vitamin D daily in diet.
  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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