when my fracture will unite compleatley

Fracture is break in the bone. it causes pain, swelling and loss of function. But it takes long time in healing too. So it is frustrating and many patient ask me this question in the OPD. ” Dr when will my fracture unite completely. It takes months for fracture to completely heal .

How fracture get united

This is very complex mechanism. I do not want to give bore you with this. There is simply four stages.

  1. inflammation responce – As soon as fracture occurs there is collection of the blood near fracture end. It leads to formation of heamatoma. Heamatoma is blood collection and this blood has all the necessary ingredients for fracture healing. If you see a fracture with blood coming out ( compound fracture ) that fracture takes long time in healing because this initial response of heamatoma formation is not there.
  2. in few weeks soft bone start forming at fracture heamtoma. It is called soft callus. It has skeleton made-up go collagen , elastin and other structural protein like fibrous tissue. They form a soft bone like bridge. It is sufficient to prevent gross movement of the bone.
  3. After some time calcium and phosphorus get deposited and Hard callus formation take place. Once this is fully formed we can see stability at fracture site and even fine movements also stops.
  4. Remodelling – once hard callus is formed patient can use his limb but full strength comes when remodelling or final healing take place. It also helps in shaping of bone in proper shape. Sharp edges become rounded and soon no edge is visible. It is longest phase. Kids bone has very good remodelling capacity and even most ugly looking deformities can be corrected with time.

How can i fasten fracture healing ?

There should not be any abnormal movement at fracture site. Than only soft callus can form. It can be achieved with plaster and now a days with plate and screws. So get plaster or surgery as soon as possible. Delaying this process delay fracture healing. As soon as patient has any fracture it should be stabilise as soon as possible. Do not massage or rub that part. Apply splint if there is no doctor available near by and patient need transportation. Remember do not move fracture extremity other wise it will delay fracture healing.

Smoking can cause delay in fracture healing. Apart from it Diabetes, poor nutrition and old age are common cause of delay in fracture healing.

How many days my fracture will take for complete union

Different bones take different time in healing. More often than not, 4 months are enough for most fracture. Some fracture like Neck of femur ( Hip joint ), Talus ( ankle joint ) and Scaphoid ( wrist joint) are notorious for taking more than 6 to 7 months in healing.

Fingers and toes unite in 4 weeks. Bones in upper extremity heals faster.

When Can I walk with out support?

Lower extremity fracture takes time in healing. Usually 5 to 6 months needed for walking with out support if fracture is between ankle to hip. If fracture is in foot than 2 months needed for healing. Walking with out support takes minimum 5 months. Do not start walking till your doctor allow you to do so. It can delay fracture healing and eve break implant in body.

what can cause my fracture to never heal ?

Yes some time fracture can go in to non union. In this condition a doctor has to intervene. A non union can be caused by few reasons. Most common cause is infection. If there is infection at fracture site it will eat all callus and fracture healing can take long time. Other common cause is poor nutrition , Diabetes or Old age patient with weak bones. in such causes bone grafting is needed. Bine grafting is putting extra bone at fracture site from other parts of the body.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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