RSD can be treatble

RSD or reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a problematic disease. RSD is also called as complex reason pain syndrome. It is not easy to treat and can take some time in recovery. It can be treated with medicines and physiotherapy. Patient often feel pain and swelling and stiffness in hand.

RSD can be triggered after injury to hand. It is also caused by massage or treatment by bone setter. Some patient has history of stroke or heart attack. Thats why we doctor always advise against massage of any body part after injury. It is due to over activity of brain.

RSD can be run in many stages. Initially patient complain of pain and swelling. Once patient enters in second stage pain and swelling increases . In third stage there is wasting and weakness of the hand.

How to diagnose RSD

Patient usually has history of injury . It can be as small as thorn pricking. Some patient has history of fracture treatment. Patient has symptoms of stiffness and pain in finger, wrist , elbow and shoulder. Along with this there is increase sweating. If you touch hand with other hand you feel it is moist. Pain of RSD is different from other pain. It increases at night time and patient can feel problem even with fan air or AC. Cold atmosphere increases pain. Some patient like to cover their hand with a cloth just to avoid air touch.

There is no special test to diagnosed RSD. Mainly it is a clinical diagnosis.

Treatment is done with medicines. Wax bath physiotherapy is helpful. Hot water fomentation is useful. Medicines is also useful.


  1. RSD is difficult to diagnose.
  2. pain and stiffness are main symptoms.
  3. physiotherapy is useful.
  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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