7 points to prevent ACL graft failure

ACL is one of the most common sports injury. It is also one of the most successful surgery and many players and common people who go through ACL surgery recover well and able to join their games and pre injury activity level. But some people may have not so good results. Here are my tips to prevent this disappointment.

  • 1. Choose best doctor – Most important point . ACL surgery requires skill and experience. So choose a doctor after good research on internet. You are planning an advance knee surgery. Choose a doctor who is well experienced for ACL surgery. Internet and youtube can help you in making right choice. Talk to your doctor. Take number of few patients operated by him and talk to them. It is always good to have a friendly doctor. He should be available to you when you need him.

2. Choose best implant – Good quality implants helps in achieving best results. We use best biodegradable implants which gives very good results. Metal screw can cause problem in long term. You may need revision surgery some time because of bad quality implants. Chances of infection is less with good doctor and implants.

3. Physiotherapy is very important – Exercises are as important as good doctor and implant. You should follow just as your doctor advise. Here again having a friendly doctor can help. Discuss your exercises with him and than do them accordingly. You can send your exercises videos to your doctor so that he can check it and tell you if you are doing wrong.

4.No harm if you need to visit other cities – We go to other cities for tourism, we go for marriages . Why we can not go to other cities for surgery. For example at our place people come from All over india and get very good results. Good hospitals where ACL surgery is done everyday have all the latest instruments. They have backup for emergencies. Also they have well trained team so chances of failure or complication is very less.

5.Used tried and tested technology – New technology comes everyday. Just like new cars and mobiles. But if you read news carefully many times these new car or mobiles model come faulty and than company take them back for repair. Unfortunately it can not be done in knee ACL surgery. So anyways prefer experienced doctor and tried and tested technology.

6.Do not rush to games early – Graft healing takes time and you should give your knee all chances to incorporate new ACL graft. Going in to games in 3 to 4 months can tear your ACL graft again. Running and jumping with out your doctor’s approval can weak your graft. Take good nutrition, avoid smoking and take supplement of vitamins and calcium .We have Whatsapp ACL help program for advising about food and nutritions.

7.Do not fall or injured your self in critical period-Yes I know. No body fall willingly. But you can take some precautions. Avoid two wheelers for 4 months. Avoid stairs for 2 months. Wear knee brace for 6 weeks. Do not go on slippery floor. Make sure that there is no big injury in initial 4 to 5 months. Avoid squatting and sitting on the floor for 7 to 8 months. By this way you can prevent ACL graft failure.

These are 7 important points you can use for prevention of ACL graft failure. I hope these things will help you. Follow us on youtube foo more information.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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