Surgery needed for meniscus injury ??

Meniscus are important structure in knee joint. There are two meniscus. Medial and Lateral meniscus. Inside meniscus is moon like and it is called medial meniscus . Outer one is semicircular and it is called lateral meniscus. Both meniscus are very important for knee joint.

Meniscus provide cushion and shock absorber effect in knee joint. They also help in knee stability.

Meniscus injury can occur when a person falls from height or road traffic accident or some time even during playing and dancing. Ligament injury can happen with meniscus injury. Some time if a person has ligament injury and than he does not go for surgery than in future he can have meniscus injury. Age is also a cause of meniscus injury. n old age patient can have meniscus tear.

Patient with meniscus injury complains of knee pain, swelling , popping sound from knee and frequent episodes of knee locking. Knee locking means when a person bends his knee, his knee get locked as meniscus get entrapped between knee bones and knee can not become straightened. This symptom is very classic of meniscus injury .

When your doctor examine your knee, you can have pain in twisting movement of the knee joint. It is called Mc murray test. Your doctor can get knee MRI to confirm diagnosis. MRI shows three type of reports.

Grade 1 meniscus tear, grade 2 meniscus tear or grade 3 meniscus tear. In grade 1 and 2 we can wait and watch. In grade 3 surgery is needed.

Meniscus tear can be of various variety like horizontal, vertical or radial. Treatment can be different according to them. Meniscus root avulsion is rare type of tear.

Meniscus surgery treatment is done with the help of arthroscopy. So it is not big cut and patient can go home in 1 to 2 day.

Meniscus treatment can be done by two method. In old days partial meniscectomy was most common method.In this loose piece of meniscus is removed. It is done when meniscus tear is in white zone. ‘

If Meniscus tear is in red zone or red white zone than meniscus repair can be done with the help of special instruments. It is very successful procedure and patient can have his knee normal. Now a days most of the time doctors try to repair meniscus.

Walking is allowed after next day of surgery. Knee bending is allowed after 2 to 3 weeks. Some time if tear is stable early knee bending can be allowed.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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