What will happen if you do not get treatment of recurrent shoulder dislocation?

Hello friends. Is your shoulder getting dislocated frequently and you are not able to decide whether to treat this now or later or I should not treat this frequent shoulder dislocation at all. What will be the damage, if I do not get this treated at all? To know all this, please read this blog from start to end, and I will explain in detail the problematic consequences of not treating frequent shoulder dislocation.

Greetings friends, my name is Dr. Naveen Sharma and I am a senior consultant in Apollo Hospital, Jaipur and Advance Hospital, Jaipur. Friends, frequent shoulder dislocation is such a disease, proper information of which is not available everywhere. Sometimes, people don’t even realize that dislocation of shoulder happening frequently is a disease. They think that either this is a cramp or a pull, because of this the treatment is delayed. Even if they visit a doctor, the doctor sets the shoulder and puts a bandage, but they do not inform that this can be cured and removed from the roots. Friends, shoulder gets dislocated frequently because the flesh of the shoulder gets torn. This is called Bankart. And there is a hole in the ball of the shoulder, which is called Hill Sachs. If the frequent shoulder dislocation is consistent, but not treated then in the Glenoid bone, a bowl in simple language, the bone loss keeps increasing. Friends, if the bone loss is continuous, then the shoulder keeps getting loose day by day and the muscles start getting damaged. Some people say – Sir, What is the issue? Whenever the shoulder gets dislocated, I have learnt how to set it myself. Friends, when the shoulder gets dislocated frequently, its cartilage gets damaged, which can lead to Arthritis and you may have to go for shoulder replacement. Friends, to save the cartilage from getting damaged it is very essential to get the dislocation treated at the correct time. The treatment of dislocation is based on the facts as to how many times the shoulder got dislocated. How demanding are your activities; and how much is your bone loss. If you are a sedentary worker like bank cashier or school teacher and you are not required to do any heavy work then you get Arthroscopic Bankart Repair done. This is done through a microscope. When it’s done through microscope, there are no incissions involved and we use All-Suture anchor, which become bone by themselves and you don’t have to remove it. If you are in high demand, like if you are a wrestler or in Army and you are fond of going to Gym and if your shoulder has got dislocated more than 5 times. And your bone loss is also more than 10-15%. In such situation, Arthroscopic surgery is not suitable for you. Arthroscopic surgery can fail in such cases and you may have to go for a surgery


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Friends, in such cases, it is the best to go for the world’s most advanced Latarjet Surgery. In Latarjet surgery, we put a bone plug. Its recovery is very fast. After this, you can join the Gym within 3 months.

And it has 100% success rate. So, as per this video, you can decide whether to go for Bankart or Latarjet. Friends, still if you are not able to decide what treatment will be best for you, then you can send your MRI report to me on the below mentioned numbers and then contact me. Friends, I have seen may people, whose shoulder gets dislocated 100-150 times and they do not get the treatment done. If I get MRI done for such people, or I inspect their joint through microscope. I see that the cartilage is damaged to a large extent and pain might remain even after the best operation. Hence, I would suggest not to get your shoulder cartilage damaged and visit a doctor before there is frequent dislocation so that the treatment happens on time and we can avoid damage of shoulders. If your shoulder also gets dislocated frequently. Then get 3 TESLA MRI done and contact me on the below mentioned numbers and I will help you throughout. Greeting, friends.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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