Do you have multiple knee cap dislocation ?

Hello friends. I, Dr. Naveen Sharma, welcome you all to the channel giving information on recurrent Patella dislocation. Friends, recurrent Patella dislocation means frequent dislocation of the knee cap. This is one such problem, proper information of which is not available to everyone. There are two types of recurrent Patella dislocation. One is habitual Patella dislocation and another is recurrent Patella dislocation. Let me explain. Our knee is made up of three bones.

The upper bone is femur; the lower bone is the tibia and the knee cap is present in front of the knee. There is a slot in the femur called Trochlea, to keep the knee cap in its place and to keep the cap in the centre, there are patellofemoral ligaments on both sides. Friends, the inner ligament is called the MPFL or Medial Patellofemoral Ligament.

First, let’s talk about habitual Patella dislocation. Fiends, Habitual Patella dislocation is a condition prevailing by birth. The patients may know about it a little late, at the age of 6 to 7 years. Most of the time, this condition is from childhood only. Friends, in this, the internal structure is so loose, that the knee cap frequently gets dislocation towards the outer side. Whenever he bends the leg, the knee cap gets dislocation towards the outer side. This might have happened to him hundreds of times. They do not realize it in the beginning

But at the age of 6 to 10 years, parents wonder what is happening with the child. Friends, now when they get MRI done, they come to know that there is problem of Habitual Patella Dislocation. As I told you, Habitual Patella Dislocation happens because there is an imbalance between the ropes pulling the inner side and the outer side of Patella Habitual Patella Dislocation can be cured with a very simple operation. If your kid has habitual Patella dislocation, then you can contact me on the below mentioned numbers. Now, I will talk about the second condition, that’s Recurrent Patella Dislocation. Friends, Recurrent Patella Dislocation is a condition occurring after an injury. Recurrent Patella Dislocation happens due to some injury in the internal structures.

Which is called MPFL tear. As I have told you that it is important they have balance between structures on both sides, to keep the Patella in the centre. If there is damage to the internal structure, then whenever the patient twists, plays games or sports, then the Patella dislocates towards the outer side. The patients may have 2-3 such episodes.

Friends, when the patients come to me, I get their MRI done. In MRI, we focus on 3-4 things. Firstly, this injury is common in females. So, we need to check whether the ligaments are laxed from childhood. If there is generalized laxity of ligaments, then there is a need for extensive research before treatment of Patella dislocation. Because results are not successful in such people. If the patient does not have ligament laxity, then we check if the Torchlea is shallow or not. Friends, Dysplastic Torchlea is a condition where the slot of the Patella so thin,

That it cannot hold the Patella. This can also cause Patella dislocation.

As I told you in the beginning of the video, the second reason for Patella dislocation is MPFL tear. The third condition is Patella Alta.

In this, the height of the Patella is a bit more. As it is situated a little higher, it starts getting dislocated. The fourth condition is Genu Valgum. In this, the legs of the patients are turned towards the outer sides. Because of which the Patella gets dislocated. For all these 4 conditions, the MRO should be of high quality. Friends, get it done from a centre where people have knowledge about recurrent Patella. When I get the MRI, I can plan accordingly. If recurrent Patella dislocation has started because of an injury. Then this problem can be solved by reconstructing MPFL If the Patella is shallow, then a special notch can be made for it. So this way, it is possible to treat Patella dislocation in different ways. How did you find this information? Do you too have problems related to Patella? Then, send your reports on the below-mentioned numbers and I will help you with them. Greetings friends.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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