When can you play after ACL surgery?

ACL ligament tear is one of the most common sports injuries. ACL ligament is most important ligament there in the knee joint and works well for stabilising the knee joint. If there is complete tear in the ACL ligament then patient cannot run ,cannot walk fast or have difficulty in walking on the uneven ground. As a doctor this is the one of the most common sports injuries we encounter in our Advance orthopedic and sports injury Hospital. I am doing treatment of ACL injury since last 15 years and I have treated more than 6000 patients .On the basis of that I am giving you some average recovery time period of each and every event which a normal person want to ask before or during the ACL surgery rehabilitation.

You can walk from the day one as soon as your surgery is done, from the very next day you can walk with the help of Walker support you are not supposed to put weight on the affected side there will be a long knee brace on your leg and that you have to wear during sleep as well as when you are walking . Otherwise when you are lying comfortably on the bed that time you can remove the knee brace and start gradually banding depending on pain .

As far as walker or crutches is concerned Walker is kept for two weeks.So after 2 weeks you can walk without any support. Knee bending is expected to be completed within one and half month to 2 months. We should not rush for the knee bending because doing it too fast can weaken the ligament . After 6 weeks you can remove the knee brace and start walking without knee brace. Exercises are started very soon after the surgery but special exercises are kept delayed initially as reconstructed ligament is very weak in the initial two months. After 2 months aggressive Physiotherapy started.

You can start stairs climbing after two and half month . You can start jogging at 3 and half month. As far as bike riding is concerned or cycling is concerned 3 and half month is the time period after that you can start cycling .You can drive your car after the three months of surgery . You can drive a bike after 4 months of surgery .Running is started at 6 months of the surgery .Skipping/ jumping are started at seven to eight month of the surgery. light gaming exercises started at 8 to 9 month of the surgery .More or less you can join your game depending on the type of stress it put at 9 to 12 months.

Usually a professional player take 12 to 18 months to return at the pre injury status. This is more or less average recovery period. It can be plus minus 2 month according to your body type if you want any further information you can contact me on my whatsapp 8299688810.

  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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