shoulder pain relief

Frozen shoulder is a common disease . It is seen mainly in Diabetes and Thyroid patients. Good thing is it is treatable. In this article we will tell you everything in detail.

what is frozen shoulder ?

Frozen shoulder means stiff and painful shoulder. When patient has frozen shoulder he or she can not lift his shoulder above head. Also applying soap at back or wearing cloths become painful and difficult. Pain in frozen shoulder can be unbearable some time. Patient can not sleep on that side of the shoulder in night.

what can cause frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is caused by mainly two problems. Diabetes orThyroid. It is most common. Apart from this injury to shoulder or surgery can also cause stiff and painful shoulder.

How to diagnose it ?

your doctor may asked you to get x ray and MRI. usually it is to check if there is any problem in shoulder. MRI can show rotator cuff tear or fluid collection or any infection. If there is some problem your doctor will treat it. If there is no obvious cause than that type of frozen shoulder cures with exercises.

How to treat frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder can be treated with exercise and physiotherapy. It needs at leat 4 to 5 months for complete improvement. Frozen shoulder exercises can be painful for initial time. In such time injection therapy can be helpful.

Shoulder Injection therapy for frozen shoulder ?

Injection in shoulder can provide good pain relief and help in shoulder exercise. Your doctor can give injection in shoulder. It take hardly 30 seconds for shoulder injection. Full effect comes in 3 to 4 days. You can apply ice over shoulder for 3 to 4 days. After that gentle warm water is helpful for fomentation. Injections are very effective and some time only one injection is enough but some time 2 injection can be needed. There is no side effect of these injections. Dr Naveen Sharma has used injection therapy in hundreds of patient successfully.

What If injection does not work?

Frozen shoulder can be treated with a laser surgery if injection and physiotherapy is not successful. It is done with help of camera ( arthroscopy) and it gives very good results.