Are you having pain in elbow ( Tennis Elbow )?

Pain in elbow is common feature in athletes and homemaker females. it can happen in all age groups because of different reasons. Most common cause for elbow pain is Tennis elbow. Patient feel pain during heavy activity like clothes washing, making dough or playing games. It is very common if you already have diabetes or Thyroid or during pregnancy period.

Pain usually start during day time when person uses his hand mostly for household work . Slowly it become a deep nagging type of pain and patient say his elbow hurts all the time. It is the time when a person visit his doctor.

Your doctor say that you are having Tennis elbow. He may also say that it is same disease which was also there to the great Sachin Tendulkar. And first question which home maker woman ask, Sir, I do not play any game specially never played tennis. Then how come I am having this Tennis elbow.

Well it was named so because it was initially very common is Tennis players but it is also seen in woman who may never had played any game. Household works are equally causative.

There is no need to get X-rays to diagnose Tennis elbow as history and pain at outer aspect of elbow is so typical of it. Initially treatment is pain killers and Hot water fomentation. You can moist a towel soaked in warm water and wrapped it around elbow 20 minutes morning and evening.

Physiotherapy session specially ultrasound can also provide relief.

Most common thing which your dr advised is Tennis elbow band. It should be wear during day time and can be removed during rest or night time. It helps if it is wear for 3 to 4 months. I used it in most of my patients and they are very happy with results. but remember my words it should be wear properly. A general rule of thumb is wear one to 2 cm below elbow crease and firm enough so it should not feel loose.

In some patients when tennis elbow band does not work then injection of local steroids can be given Do not be scared, these are not very painful or does not have any side effects. Injection work for 4 to 6 months and may need a repetition.

rarely few patient need surgery for Tennis elbow. Results are not very good. So i do not recommend them to any patient unless it is very painful and all other options are already tried out.

Tennis elbow is not serious problem but it takes months to get complete relief. Some time even years. So keeping patience is very important as it can be very frustrating both for doctor and patient. 50 to 60 percent potient feel better after 3 months.

If you have any question regarding Tennis elbow you can ask me in comment section.


Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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