How much calcium and Vitamin D is needed for me and why?

Calcium is important part of the body. It is essential for bone and joint function. It is a well known fact. But it is also needed for blood clotting and muscle function. Brain function also need calcium for transmission of signals.You can say it is most important mineral in our body.
Calcium is present mainly in milk and dairy products. It is also present in non vegetarian food items like egg, chicken and fish.
But why a person has calcium deficiency , even when he is taking balanced diet?

All patients who suffers calcium deficiency basically have vitamin D deficiency.

So even if you are taking enough calcium in your diet and supplements some time you may have calcium deficiency. Why because almost every indian has vitamin D deficiency. A study has shown that more than 80 percent patient has low vitamin D level in blood. In my clinical practice i have not seen a person with normal vitamin D level. And I see more then 20 patient daily. Why there is increase in Vitamin D problems in society ??

Most common problem is lack of sunlight exposure. We are spending more and more time inside our home. Our flats are air-conditioned and there is no chance we can have direct sunlight coming in our home. We love fair skin and do not want to burn our skin in sunlight.

Many Indians are strict vegetarian and they depend on milk for their calcium source. Which is some time not enough.

Bones are banks of calcium. So if body feels that it needed calcium for blood or muscles then they take calcium from bone. This is why if you do blood calcium checkup every person has level between 8 to 10 mg/dl. Why because bones are giving calcium in to blood. So do not be happy if your blood calcium is normal. Because it is not true measurement of problem. Continuous outflow of calcium out of bone means bones become hollow and weak. It is called osteoporosis.

How to check if you have normal calcium in body. Get your vitamin D 3 level check. If you have low vitamin D3 then you have low calcium as well. If you are above 55 years of age than check your bone mineral density test as well. BMD tells us how much calcium is there in bones? If your BMD is less then 1.5 you have osteopenia. If it is less then 2.5 you have osteoporosis and it is red signal. You can have bone fracture in such cases even with trivial fall.

Vitamin D controls how much calcium can enter in body from food. If you have low vitamin D then it does not matter how balanced diet you are taking you will continue to have bone pain, joint pain, tiredness and not able to do work properly. You feel lethargic and no interest in work. These symptoms are so non specific that some time we consider them as just bad mood.

So now we come to final conclusion. How much vitamin D we need to take. Well a normal person should take 60000 vitamin D per week for six weeks. Then he can take break of 3 months and again same course. This will ensure that you will have normal Vitamin D level and healthy bones.

If you are a post menopausal female or elderly male then your diet is not sufficient to take care of your calcium need. After Menopause there is lack of oestrogen in body and it causes weak bones. Same thing happen in male above 60 -65 years of age . It is called senile osteoporosis. In such case 1 gram calcium should be taken daily. There are many calcium tablet available. But coral calcium and calcium citrate maleate are best calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate is not considered very good calcium.

Daily one to 2 hour sun exposure will be helpful. Sit with back toward sunlight. Morning 6 to 8 is best time. Walk in sunlight. Do some light exercises in park. Cycling is also good.

increase milk and dairy product in diet. Take calcium and vitamin D supplements. it is not drug but food. Taking calcium doe snot cause stone or constipation as many believes. Meet your doctor if you have back pain or knee pain. You should seek help before it is too late.

A video about calcium and Vitamin D
  • jointsguru

    Dr Naveen Sharma is senior consultant in Bone and Joint problems. He is expert in ligament problems and sports injuries. You can contact him on 829068810 for more Information.

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    One thought on “How much calcium and Vitamin D is needed for me and why?

    1. After giving oral vitD, number of times for years, many patients vitD LEVEL are low…didn’t rise above 10…..16 mg. It’s INDICATIVE of poor absorption or poor quality of available preparation in market.

      Its better to use injectable preparations: WEEKLY are better.
      Need not to measure: start supplementing vit D: B12 and folic acid: measuring is a costly affair.

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